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Thursday, June 20, 2024

 A sign that you were born to be a solitary and happy person

If your idea of ​​having a good time is sitting on the couch with a good book or watching your favorite show instead of going out to restaurants or clubs, this article is for you! People who love solitude consider themselves won when an entire day passes without having to talk to anyone. Their relationships with themselves or their pets are often deeper than their relationships with other humans.

If you find yourself here, you probably don't feel the need for affirmation from others, nor do you seek constant company just to share your thoughts. This is not a bad thing! Although the term "loner" has acquired negative connotations, being one in no way means that one is undesirable. In fact, you may be more intelligent than your more extroverted counterparts. So, here are 11 signs that you were born to be a loner.

You are a very special person
No matter what happens, you may have gotten the biggest job promotion of your life, or you may be struggling with starting a new project, no one will know. You deal with the best and worst times on your own, without celebrations or condolences. And don't feel the need to share these moments either. Maybe you feel like it's completely unnecessary or you don't want to spend your energy on things like this. In either case, you are a private person and prefer to handle your affairs without bringing others into them.

You prefer to do most things yourself
Have you been that kid in class who always prefers to work alone? Have you always avoided group activities and projects? Are you that person who sits alone in a cafe? Solitude can give you a broader perspective on things and help you organize yourself, which is probably why you enjoy doing things by yourself. Most people feel embarrassed or embarrassed when they are seen alone at the movies or a restaurant, but you feel strong, free, and comfortable when doing things alone
You're not glued to your smartphone
In the age of social media and instant gratification, it's hard for people to put down their phones. But not for you. The last thing you want to do is share the smallest details of your life with the entire world. So whether you had great pizza for lunch or were on an island vacation, no one will know. You hate boring phone calls and texts, so you only call or text when necessary, and social media is useless to you.

Be out of sight for long periods
Is your family used to not answering your phone or keeping a low profile? At first they were concerned about not being able to talk to you for days or months, but now they understand that your ability to socialize is limited. Simply put, don't feel the urgency to stay connected. So if you're not answering your phone, you're probably busy with something you love, whether that's reading or making art. For you, learning and creating things is a more meaningful way to spend your time than keeping up with the latest family news.

Prefer to work as a freelancer
One thing you will never put on your resume is “team player”! There is nothing more boring for you than working with a group of people, which is why a nine-to-five job will never suit you. Organizational structures are very strict, you have to adhere to a lot of useless rules, and don't even start with office Christmas parties and greeting card signings. You do your best work alone where you are in charge of the schedule and have 100% creative control.

You don't like going to social events
Why spend New Year's Eve in a group of drunk people screaming at the top of their lungs when you can easily spend the night alone doing the things you love? Most of the time, a social event is something that consumes your time. This is because you value your time very much and don't like to waste it on something you don't enjoy. This doesn't necessarily mean that you hate going out with your friends, it just means that you want the interaction to be meaningful and not a fleeting moment fueled by alcohol.

Headphones are your shield
Do you wear headphones just so people won't talk to you? Maybe you don't listen to music most of the time. Just want to keep strangers away. In order to appear unsociable, she wears a pair of headphones everywhere she goes, whether it's shopping or just walking down the street. This helps you keep the world at a distance that makes you feel more comfortable, whether it be physically or spiritually.

You don't like sharing your bed with anyone
While most people want someone special to keep warm at night, you prefer to have your bed all yours. Of course, having someone around is nice, but not at the expense of your personal space and cover. Plus, who wants to wake up to loud snoring or sleep talking? You cannot take this risk. Sleep, like alone time, is precious to you.

She doesn't like drama
Many people can't resist drama, and some even create it. But you can't stand it and don't want any part of other people's drama. You are not being dramatic in your storytelling if you do this, and you would never share a secret that anyone trusted you with. Anything that is unnecessary or illogical, you are careful to stay away from. Since you do not like others to interfere in your life, you in turn try to interfere less in the lives of others.

You enjoy traveling alone
Most people usually travel with friends or family, or perhaps hire a tour guide to explore a new place. But not you. There is something attractive to you about being in a strange land where no one knows you. Mystery. And you are free to do everything on your own. Additionally, traveling with others is not without its problems; There's always someone who sleeps late, complains about walking too much, or wants to do something different. Don't see why you should compromise when it's your trip, especially when you've paid for it. Therefore, it is easier to do things on your own and in your own way.

You're happiest when you're alone
You feel the most peace and contentment when you are alone. Whether it's at home, in a coffee shop, a library, or a foreign land, feel no pressure to influence others or to compromise. Instead, you live your life exactly the way you want and don't care what others might think. Your choices reflect your true self, and that is the essence of independence. Unlike most people, loners really enjoy being alone. For you, time of solitude is a time to think, organize, set goals and achieve them. You do your best work on your own and don't worry about looking cool or impressing people with your lifestyle. It's not always easy to be a loner, but you'll never give it up. Everyone has the right to be themselves, and if you are happy with your life, there is really no need to change anything.
 You don't have to be a social person to be happy and successful. Being isolated can be a blessing in itself, giving you time to think, create, and live honestly according to your personal goals. People who are born loners have the ability to enjoy their own company, appreciate the small moments, and delve deeply into the few relationships they choose. If you find yourself with the above qualities, don't feel anxious or pressured to change yourself. Celebrate who you are and keep exploring the world in your own way. Each of us has his own unique way of life, and the most important thing is that you are satisfied and happy with who you are. Do not hesitate to follow your passion and live your life in the way that makes you happiest and most satisfied.

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