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Monday, July 8, 2024


12 Signs a Person Likes You But is Trying Not to Show It


Understanding whether someone has romantic feelings for you can be a perplexing task. Imagine you have a friend who always feels like more than just a friend. You spend a lot of time together, share great chemistry, but you’re unsure if they see you as more than a friend. Deciphering someone’s feelings in the real world is tricky because people often go to great lengths to conceal their emotions, especially around those they care about deeply.

It's paradoxical that we hide our feelings from the people we most want to connect with. Ultimately, we desire them to know how we feel, to get closer, and perhaps even start a relationship. But until we’re certain about their feelings, confessing our love feels like a risky gamble. This fear of rejection is a universal experience. Many of us are afraid to put ourselves out there, imagining the worst-case scenarios. So, we suppress our feelings, waiting for clear signs that the other person reciprocates our emotions.

If you’re reading this, you might find yourself on either end of this common dilemma. You might harbor romantic feelings for someone you’re too scared to express, or perhaps you suspect someone has feelings for you but is hiding them. Either way, you’re looking for evidence that someone sees you as more than a friend. They may seem casual and friendly on the surface, but if you notice these twelve signs, they might be masking their true feelings.

  1. Maximizing Time

When someone likes you, they seek to extend every moment spent together. For instance, if you’re hanging out and it’s time to leave, they might find excuses to prolong the interaction. Whether it's asking for your help with something or walking you to your car, these are subtle ways of saying they don’t want the time together to end. This desire to spend extra time with you often indicates deeper feelings.

  2. Upgrading Their Look

Everyone has their style, but if you notice someone dressing up more than usual around you, it might be a sign they’re trying to catch your eye. If their usual casual attire suddenly gives way to more polished and attractive outfits, they might be trying to make a good impression on you, hoping you’ll notice them in a new light.

  3. Rapid Response Rate

A person who likes you will likely respond quickly to your texts and calls. While response times can be influenced by various factors, a consistently prompt reply, especially if they seem eager to continue the conversation, is a strong indicator of interest. Even if they’re busy, the enthusiasm in their responses can reveal a lot about their feelings.

 4. Digital Separation

In today’s digital age, it’s common for people to check their phones frequently. However, if someone is genuinely interested in you, they’ll prioritize your company over their device. If they ignore their phone while spending time with you, it shows that you have their full attention, indicating that you mean more to them than a casual friend.

  5. Accidental Contact

Making the first move can be intimidating, but subtle physical contact is often a sign of hidden affection. A gentle brush of the shoulder, a “coincidental” touch, or even playful nudges are ways people express their feelings without overtly stating them. These small gestures can gradually build romantic tension.

  6. Petty Jealousy

Jealousy is a natural response when someone you like is paying attention to someone else. If a person gets slightly irritable or sarcastic when you’re enjoying someone else’s company, it’s a sign they care more than they’re letting on. This jealousy often manifests in subtle mood changes, awkward questions, or a sudden cold demeanor.

 7. Intensive Listening

When someone is genuinely interested in you, they want to know every detail about you. They’ll remember little things you say, show interest in your stories, and ask follow-up questions. This attentive listening is a clear sign they value your words and, by extension, your feelings.

  8. Awkward Fidgeting

Nervousness and awkwardness often accompany romantic interest. People who like you might fidget more than usual, playing with their hair, tapping their fingers, or adjusting their clothes. These signs of restless energy indicate they’re self-conscious and deeply care about how they appear to you.

  9. Forward Body Language

Even if someone is afraid to verbalize their feelings, their body language often reveals the truth. Leaning towards you, maintaining eye contact, and moving closer physically are all signs of attraction. These non-verbal cues indicate that their feelings are stronger than their words suggest.

 10. Protective Instincts

If someone likes you, they’ll show a protective side, even without a formal relationship. They might come to your defense, offer help in tough situations, or express concern for your well-being. This instinct to protect stems from their deep care for you and desire to ensure your safety and happiness.

  11. Flirty Banter

People often use playful banter to flirt and gauge romantic interest. If someone frequently engages in teasing or jokes about romantic topics, it’s a sign they’re trying to build chemistry while keeping the conversation light and fun. This banter often masks deeper feelings and a desire to connect on a romantic level.

 12. Constant Smiling

Spending time with someone you like naturally brings joy, and this is often reflected in constant smiling. If a person smiles a lot around you, even during mundane conversations or quiet moments, it’s a clear sign they enjoy your company and may harbor deeper feelings for you.

understanding someone’s feelings can be challenging, especially when they’re trying to hide them. However, by paying attention to these subtle signs, you can gain insight into their true emotions. Whether you’re the one with hidden feelings or suspect someone else is concealing theirs, recognizing these behaviors can help you navigate the complex world of romantic attraction. Remember, actions often speak louder than words, and these signs can reveal a lot about how someone really feels.

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