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Thursday, July 4, 2024


10 Traits That Make a Man Truly Remarkable: It's Not What You Think

Hey there, gents (and ladies who are curious about what makes a man tick)!

Let's face it: in today's world, being a "remarkable" man isn't about having the biggest muscles or the fattest wallet. It's about something much deeper – a set of qualities that make you stand out in a crowd without having to shout "Look at me!"

I've spent years observing and interviewing men who seem to have that special "something." You know the type – the guys who walk into a room and command respect without saying a word. The ones who seem to have their lives together, even when chaos is swirling around them.

So, what's their secret sauce? Buckle up, because I'm about to spill the beans on the 10 traits that make these men truly remarkable. And the best part? These are qualities any man can develop with a little effort and dedication.

 1. The Excellence Junkie

Remarkable men aren't content with "good enough." They've got an insatiable hunger for excellence that borders on obsession. But here's the kicker – it's not about perfection. It's about consistently pushing themselves to be better today than they were yesterday.

  Real-life example: Think of someone like Elon Musk. Love him or hate him, you can't deny the man's drive for excellence. Whether it's electric cars or space rockets, he's always pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

 Action step:  Pick one area of your life this week – could be your job, a hobby, or even your relationships – and ask yourself, "How can I level up?" Then take one concrete step towards that improvement.

 2. The Human Swiss Army Knife

You know that guy who always seems to have the right tool for the job? Remarkable men are like that, but with skills and knowledge. They're prepared for a wide range of situations, not because they're paranoid, but because they enjoy being capable.

 Real-life example:  Bear Grylls isn't just a TV personality; he's a former SAS serviceman, a black belt in karate, and a trained skydiver. Talk about being prepared for anything!

  Action step:  Learn one new practical skill this month. It could be changing a tire, basic first aid, or even cooking a signature dish. YouTube is your friend here, gentlemen.

 3. The Straight Shooter

In a world of fake news and Instagram filters, remarkable men stand out by being refreshingly honest. They're not rude or blunt; they've just mastered the art of speaking their truth with tact and authenticity.

 Real-life example: Think of someone like Gary Vaynerchuk. Love his style or not, you can't accuse the man of not speaking his mind.

 something, challenge yourself to express your honest opinion respectfully. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with practice.

 4. The Value Creator

While others are busy consuming, remarkable men are focused on creating value. They're not just taking from the world; they're actively looking for ways to contribute and make things better.

 Real-life example: Consider someone like Bill Gates. After building one of the world's most valuable companies, he's now dedicated his life to solving global problems through philanthropy.

  Action step  Look for one small way you can add value to your workplace or community this week. It could be as simple as mentoring a junior colleague or volunteering for a local charity.

  5. The Eye of the Storm

When everyone else is losing their heads, remarkable men are the calm in the center of the storm. They've mastered the art of keeping their cool under pressure, which makes them natural leaders in crisis situations.

 Real-life example:  Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who successfully landed a passenger plane on the Hudson River, saving all 155 people on board. Now that's grace under pressure!

  Action step:  Next time you're in a stressful situation, take a moment to practice deep breathing. It's a simple but powerful way to regain your composure.

  6. The Man of His Word

In a world where promises are often broken, remarkable men stand out by being rigidly reliable. When they say they'll do something, you can bet your bottom dollar it'll get done.

 Real-life example:  Warren Buffett is known not just for his investment acumen, but for his unwavering integrity in business deals.

 Action step:  This week, be extra mindful of the commitments you make. Only promise what you know you can deliver, and then move heaven and earth to keep that promise.

 7. The Self-Assured (Not Self-Obsessed) Man

Remarkable men have a quiet confidence that comes from within. They don't need constant validation from others because they're secure in who they are and what they stand for.

  Real-life example:  Think of someone like Keanu Reeves. Despite his fame, he's known for his humility and down-to-earth nature.

 Action step: Write down three things you're proud of about yourself. Keep this list handy and review it whenever you need a confidence boost.

8. The Mind-Body Master

Remarkable men understand that physical fitness isn't just about looking good – it's about feeling good and performing at your best. They treat their bodies like the high-performance machines they are.
  Real-life example:  David Goggins, former Navy SEAL and ultramarathon runner, embodies the idea of pushing past physical limits to achieve mental toughness.

 Action step:  Commit to moving your body for at least 30 minutes every day this week, even if it's just a brisk walk. Pay attention to how it affects your mood and energy levels.

 9. The Diplomat

Remarkable men know how to navigate conflicts without creating more drama. They're skilled at finding win-win solutions and de-escalating tense situations.

Real-life example:  Nelson Mandela's ability to promote reconciliation and peace in post-apartheid South Africa is a masterclass in diplomatic skills.

Action step:** The next time you find yourself in a disagreement, challenge yourself to really listen to the other person's perspective before responding. Seek to understand before being understood.

 10. The Decision Maker

Last but not least, remarkable men are decisive. They don't waffle or procrastinate. They gather the necessary information, trust their gut, and commit to a course of action.

  Real-life example:  Jeff Bezos attributes much of Amazon's success to the company's ability to make high-quality decisions quickly.

 Action step:  Is there a decision you've been putting off? Commit to making it within the next 24 hours, even if you don't have all the information. Remember, a good decision now is often better than a perfect decision later.

 Wrapping Up: Your Journey to Remarkable

Here's the thing, gents: becoming a remarkable man isn't about changing who you are at your core. It's about honing the best parts of yourself and continuously striving to be better.

Remember, it's a journey, not a destination. You don't have to excel at all these traits right away. Pick one or two that resonate with you and start there. Small, consistent steps will take you further than sporadic giant leaps.

So, which of these traits do you think is most crucial for being a remarkable man in today's world? Drop your thoughts in the comments below – I'd love to hear your perspective!

Until next time, keep striving for remarkable. The world needs more men like you.

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