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Thursday, June 20, 2024

 7 types of rest you need to become your best

Most people associate a good night's sleep with rest. While good sleep is an important part of rest, it's not everything. The true definition of rest includes a comprehensive recovery of your body and mind from everything that drains your energy. Good rest can help you feel mentally prepared, emotionally satisfied, and creatively and physically recharged. But like anything else in life, getting good rest is easier said than done. With stress being the primary emotion many people feel and the busy lives we live, it's no wonder people don't find time to prioritize rest. Although the type of rest needed varies from person to person, the important thing is to resist the urge to stay busy and make time for yourself. Here are the seven types of rest you need to get back on your game, stronger than ever:

 Physical comfort

It is not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where your body is not in sync with you. You may have tasks on your to-do list, but all your body wants is some rest. Listen to your body because physical fatigue is what you are experiencing. Often times, when you feel like you could use a break, all you need is a good night's sleep. No, this doesn't mean staying in bed and staring at the ceiling or your phone. Known as passive physical rest, 8 to 10 hours of sleep away from distractions can help you wake up your best and most energized. You can also benefit from some active physical rest by participating in relaxing activities such as yoga and stretching exercises. Getting a massage can also be an excellent way to relax.

 Mental comfort

One of the most overlooked forms of rest is your peace of mind. Whether it's the overwhelming feeling of stress, indecision, and confusion, or the fact that your productivity is at an all-time low, it's a signal for you to take a break and put your mind at ease. Start setting reminders on your phone to take a break every few hours. This break can include anything from listening to your favorite music to taking a walk outside. As much as technology helps us, it can sometimes lead to a great deal of stress and exhaustion. So, in order to take a mental break, spend some time away from everything digital and see how much better you will feel.

 Sensory comfort
Unless you live in the mountains or countryside, you probably suffer from over-sensory experiences with all the stimuli around you. From too many colors and lights to too much noise, everything that happens around you affects your senses and not in a good way. Maybe you feel like pulling your hair out because your phone keeps ringing. Or all that time spent in front of screens is burning your eyes and giving you headaches, this is your cue to take a sensory break. Something as simple as closing your eyes and getting away from all the clutter for a little while can work wonders.

 Creative rest

You don't always have to be an artist, illustrator, or writer to know that you are creative. Thinking of ideas to present at meetings also requires creativity. No matter what level of creativity your work requires, if you've reached a point where you feel like you're often hitting a creative block, it's probably time to take a break. Creative rest means finding what inspires you and stimulates your creativity again. Anything from listening to your favorite music or reading a good book to watching an inspiring movie, singing or dancing.

 Emotional comfort

The word “no” is a perfect example of how small things can hold great power. The challenge is to be able to use the word when you need it most. Many people end up saying yes in situations where it's the last thing they want to do. From making you feel emotionally drained and upset to stealing all your good energy, there is a huge psychological and emotional cost to not being able to say no. If this is the case for you, it's probably time to take a step back and rethink what's stopping you from asserting yourself when you disagree with a situation. Start saying no to small, unimportant things, and let it empower you to say no in more important situations where you know this is best for you. Emotional comfort is especially important if you have a daily role that requires a lot of emotion, such as a teacher, caregiver, or even just a parent.

 Social comfort

The people in our lives have a huge impact on how we feel about things, and even ourselves. It doesn't matter if you are an extrovert or someone who likes to keep to himself; Social fatigue can creep up on you if you're constantly dealing with people who drain you or expect too much from you. Although we can't always avoid these people, we can certainly plan to stay away from them for a while. The best way to reset your social relationships is to spend more time with people who care about you. People who are kind, encouraging and easy to be around. Try this and see how it changes everything for the better.

 Spiritual comfort

No matter what you've accomplished or how successful you've been, without understanding how it all fits together, you may find yourself feeling empty and lonely. This is actually a call for some spiritual comfort, which provides a sense of purpose and belonging. It could be spending time in nature or engaging in prayer or meditation. Whatever the case may be, it is important to seek out practices that bring comfort and healing to your soul.

In conclusion, a busy work life combined with an equally overwhelming personal life can require mental, sensory, psychological and creative skills. When life and people become too much to handle, emotional, social and spiritual relief should be your go-to. There is no one size fits all when it comes to comfort. The important thing is to be self-aware and do what is best for you.
Rest of all seven types is a vital necessity to restore balance and feel renewed and energized. Realizing the importance of each type of rest and working toward it can make a huge difference in your life. Physical rest helps you regain your strength, while mental rest gives you calm and mental clarity. Sensory relief relieves sensory fatigue, and creative comfort reignites the spark of innovation and creativity. Emotional comfort enables you to relieve emotional stress, while social comfort helps you build healthy and productive relationships. Finally, spiritual comfort gives you a sense of inner peace and purpose in life. There's no one-size-fits-all recipe, but the key is to listen to your body, mind, and spirit, and make time for each type of rest to become the best version of yourself. Remember, comfort is not a luxury but a necessity, and an investment in your comfort is an investment in your health, happiness, and future success.

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