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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

  Physical activity: How exercise can boost positive energy

In our current world, dominated by office work and the fast pace of life, there is increasing awareness of the importance of physical activity as a means of improving physical and mental health. Physical activity is not only a way to maintain fitness, it is also an effective tool to promote positive energy and a feeling of happiness. Here we will discuss how regular exercise can boost positive energy, provide tips on how to start an appropriate exercise program, and review physical activities that contribute to improving mood such as yoga, walking in nature, and running.

 The importance of physical activity

Physical activity has multiple benefits beyond just improving physical fitness. Among these benefits:

 Improving physical health. Exercising regularly helps strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, and boost the immune system. They also help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

 Improving mental health

 Physical activity contributes to the secretion of happiness hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones play a big role in improving mood and feeling happy.

 Increased energy and activity

 Exercising regularly boosts energy levels and improves stamina. Physical activity helps the body work more efficiently, reducing feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.

 Improving sleep Physical activity can improve sleep quality, which contributes to a feeling of rest and renewal.

 How physical activity can boost positive energy

Through several mechanisms, physical activity can promote positive energy and feelings of well-being:

 Secretion of endorphins
 Exercising stimulates the body to secrete endorphins, a chemical that acts as a natural pain reliever and contributes to improving mood.

 Improving self-image Exercising regularly helps improve self-image and increase self-confidence. The feeling of achieving fitness goals promotes a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

 Social interaction Group sports activities provide the opportunity for social interaction and building new relationships, which enhances the sense of belonging and social support.

 Reduce stress and anxiety


Physical activity contributes to reducing levels of stress hormones such as cortisol. Exercise promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety.

 Tips for starting a suitable exercise program

To start an exercise program that suits your needs and fitness level, you can follow these tips:

 Setting goals
 Before starting, clearly define your goals. Do you want to improve overall fitness, lose weight, strengthen muscles, or improve your mood? Setting goals will help you choose appropriate activities.

 Start slowly:
 If you're new to exercise, start slow. Choose simple activities like walking or stretching, and gradually increase the challenge.

 Choose fun activities
 Choose activities you enjoy. Exercising should be fun, not a chore. Try different types of exercises until you find what works for you.

 Diversity in exercises:

 - Diversity of exercises helps avoid boredom and improves general fitness. Try strength, cardio, and flexibility exercises.

 Stick to a schedule Set aside a specific time to exercise and make it part of your daily routine. Sticking to a schedule helps achieve goals.

 Physical activities that contribute to improving mood


Yoga is not only a physical exercise, it is also a mental and spiritual exercise. Yoga exercises promote relaxation and internal balance, which contributes to improving mood and reducing stress. Breathing and meditation techniques in yoga promote self-awareness and psychological calm.

 Walking in nature

Walking in nature, also known as “forest bathing,” has a calming effect on the mind. Spending time outdoors and enjoying the scenery contributes to reducing levels of stress and anxiety. Walking in nature enhances the feeling of connection to the natural world and replenishes positive energy.

Running is one of the most effective physical activities for improving mood and increasing energy. Known as the “runner’s high,” running greatly stimulates the release of endorphins. Running also helps improve cardiorespiratory fitness and enhances endurance.

 How to make physical activity part of your daily life

To ensure you benefit from the benefits of physical activity, it is important to make it part of your daily routine:

 Advance planning
 Plan when to exercise and make it a priority in your schedule. Setting fixed times for exercise helps build habit.

 Take advantage of daily opportunities

 Take advantage of daily opportunities to increase physical activity. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike to work if possible, and participate in physical activities with family and friends.

 Join a sports group
 Joining a sports group can be motivating. Social support and participation in group activities enhances adherence to the sports program.

 Monitor progress
 Keep a log of your sports activities and monitor your progress. Seeing progress can be a powerful motivation to keep going.

Physical activity is an effective way to boost positive energy and feel happy. By exercising regularly, you can significantly improve your physical and mental health. Whether you choose yoga, nature walks, or running, the most important thing is to find an activity that suits you and brings you happiness. Make physical activity part of your daily life and enjoy the many benefits it has to your health and well-being.

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