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Sunday, June 23, 2024

 How Men Test Women in Relationships  Strategies for Discovering Values, Personality, and Compatibility

This shouldn’t be seen as a negative or manipulative thing. It’s simply to see what you’re getting into and to get a glimpse into how your future partner’s mind works. Testing your partner beforehand can help confirm or deny your feelings. You get a chance to learn more about their morals, strengths of character, and values—all of the things that shape their character and dictate your compatibility.

As the relationship develops, these tests get bigger, but if you really love each other, you’ll pass them with ease. Read on to discover how men test women.


Level of Enthusiasm for His Interests and Hobbies

When it comes to his hobbies, no one expects you to suddenly become a huge fan or know as much about them as he does. But trying to be interested in what he enjoys is the first step. In fact, the “test” is whether or not you’ll show interest in his hobbies. Taking the time and effort to try something new shows him that you really care and want to spend time with him. Your Sarcasm Meter

Most men tend to be more sarcastic at the beginning of a relationship – testing your reactions to weird or shocking statements. Not understanding a man’s sarcasm, or being offended by it, won’t earn you any points. So try to play it up and see if he’s joking. It’ll usually be obvious a moment later when he bursts out laughing. He’s really trying to get a sense of how well you understand the humor.

Your Intelligence Level

Because men tend to think logically, they often try to gauge your intelligence based on your taste in entertainment or literature. Whether you’re into “superficial” or “high” entertainment is revealing. A man will also expect you to provide a reason or explanation for why you like something – even if it’s just because it’s associated with a happy memory. Men have analytical minds, and they’re fascinated by why you like something.

Be adventurous and daring

Men are usually more daring at the beginning of a relationship. They think that being adventurous will give them a better insight into your personality. Taking on a challenge or adventure shows that you can be fun and free-spirited – something many people look for in a partner. The test is to see how you handle new or unexpected experiences. It shows you what kind of boldness to expect in the future, and lets him know what to expect from you, too.

How you handle finances

A man pays attention to how you handle finances – whether you prefer to split the cost, always expect him to pay, or prefer to cover the costs yourself. Most men don’t like the idea of ​​a woman covering all the expenses. Even if you have no problem paying the bill, he may prefer to pay for both of you – especially if he asked you out. Knowing this, it’s a good idea to at least offer to pay, even if he’ll probably decline. Showing that you don’t always expect him to pay makes you look respectful in any situation – even if your chances of paying are slim.

How attached you are

Asking him “what you’re up to” or “if you’re busy” is his way of trying to figure out whether you’re independent or always willing to drop everything to see him. So, don’t always jump at the chance to hang out with him. Tell him you have some things to take care of beforehand, and pass on his invitation every now and then — even if you have no reason to. This little bit of mystery will keep him on his mind. It also shows that you “exist and have a life” outside of him — which takes the pressure off him to always find things to do together.

Your Manners

Many women may not realize it, but this is perhaps the simplest test men do. When you’re together, he’ll watch how you treat others—the people who serve you and those you don’t benefit from—like a waiter at a restaurant or a cashier at a store. Do you smile and treat them politely? Or do you treat them badly? These simple acts tell him what to expect from you in the future—once the glow of new love has worn off and the honeymoon period is over.

Your Sense of Family

Meeting your parents isn’t as big a deal as it sounds. Sure, it’s a milestone in your relationship, but it’s only really a “big deal” if you have a problem with them. His family will always be a big part of his life—unless, of course, they’re toxic. Accepting them, no matter how weird or closed off they are, means accepting him and the things that matter to him. This is when he’s vulnerable and showing you a softer side—hoping for a good response.

Your Openness

Many times a man plays harmless “would you rather have this or that” games just to see what you’ll say. However, he focuses more on analyzing your openness than your actual answers. He wants to make sure he can ask you what’s on his mind without you feeling offended. It’s also a good way to challenge you and get you talking about deeper topics. Just follow his mind wherever it goes, and show that you can be funny.

How confident you are

Bringing up a past relationship—without asking—usually means he’s testing your reaction. He’s likely dated other people before you, but he wants to make sure you’re confident in your relationship and don’t feel threatened by the fact that he’s had previous relationships. He probably wants to get this out of the way early on, so it doesn’t become an issue later on.

Your tolerance for his independence

This is probably the most important test he’ll do. People generally need a certain amount of independence, and being in a relationship, no matter how loving and perfect it is, is no exception. Silent support doesn’t mean submission—it means supporting the person while giving them the independence they need, and taking away the independence you need, too. Give him time and space when he needs it, and accept it if he says he wants a break. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to welcome him back into your life with open arms—if or when he returns. He’ll have to earn that trust back. However, a man will always want some independence. It gives him ego, confidence, and self-worth—so don’t try to stifle it, especially when he’s asking for it and needs it so badly.

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